Sunday worship broadcasts on Mondays Channel 12 (Premier Cable Sioux Center)

Youth Groups

Children, Youth & Teen Sunday School 

Sunday School for ages 3-18 meets on Sunday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM September through May. Their leaders are committed teams who teach children and teens the lessons and foundations of Christian faith. Scripture memory is included in their curriculum. The younger students sing both traditional and contemporary songs and perform during worship services throughout the year. The Sunday School students also lead a Sunday worship service of pageantry and music at Christmas. Weekly offerings from the students, and an end-of-the-year carnival fundraiser support two children through an outreach relationship with Compassion International. The students also participate in Habitat for Humanity projects. Children and teens are encouraged to worship with their families during church services, where they participate in age-appropriate activities and rites including the children’s sermon, singing, reciting the Creeds, and being blessed at or receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

VBS (Vacation Bible School)

Each summer our children and their guests are invited to VBS. This 3-day program is typically held in early July. Children are immersed in singing and fellowship, Biblical training, crafting and Scripture memorization. New friendships are encouraged and created during this active and fun-filled week.


Students in 7th and 8th grades meet for Confirmation classes each Wednesday evening during the school year.   Under the direction of our Pastor, the confirmands study and discuss doctrines and foundations of the Lutheran faith, sacraments, and rites of membership in the Lutheran church.  The students also delve into the true meaning of living a life based in Christian faith, and centered on Jesus Christ.  Affirmation of Baptism for the confirmands is typically celebrated on Pentecost Sunday.

LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization)

High school youth meet monthly for Bible study and relationship building.  Under the leadership of committed LYO parents, the goal for this group is to grow in relationships with each other and with the Lord.  The LYO group plans and leads Easter Sunrise worship, and prepares and serves Easter breakfast for the congregation.  They participate in community service projects and are responsible for creating our church’s display at the annual Christmas Pageant in Rock Valley.

PLAY (Peace Lutheran Active Youth…and young at heart)

Young adults in the church formed this group, seeking Christ-centered fellowship, food, family and fun.  PLAY brings together younger adult members, many of whom have young families.  Lasting friendships have been formed by members who have joined this group.  PLAY organizes our mid-summer outdoor worship service.  They have organized cook-offs, Easter Egg hunts, sporting events, and other events which encourage Christian fellowship for the congregation.

Peace Praise Team

Teens and adults of all ages team together to worship through their love of singing.  Practices are typically on Wednesday evenings and coincide with the Sundays that the group is scheduled to sing.